Service with a Smile
I’d be lying if I said that service isn’t what drew me to the Helenes. Throughout my upbringing, my parents made sure that serving became an integral part of who I was. One way I did this was in my high school where I was an active peer buddy. That means I worked with many students who were both physically and mentally handicapped in class and other activities. Once I got here to USC, I continued my volunteerism and jumped right into tutoring, but I saw a gap in service to those that are differently abled. That is until I discovered Swim with Mike. With a core mission to financially support physically challenged athletes in their educational endeavors, Swim with Mike has given me an opportunity to help a cause that I am passionate about. And thanks to Helenes, I get to do that with some of my closest friends!

Working this event is so much fun, because not only is it a grandiose day all about charity, but there are so many moving parts that go into it beforehand, and getting to see it all come together each spring is almost magical. From tabling on Trousdale and launching a big Facebook campaign to raise awareness and interest, to unpacking boxes upon boxes to stuff goodies in the notorious Swim with Mike swag bags, to finally reaching that Saturday of the event where we wake up at the crack of dawn to set up and decorate (shoutout to the balloon arch crew!) for all of the day’s festivities, Swim with Mike is chock-full of fun with a purpose.

Probably the reason that it is one of my favorite service events that we get to do as Helenes is that is truly embodies all three of our pillars: service, spirit, and sisterhood. It’s an event that brings so many Helenes together for a good cause, and reminds us why we love what we do. I think the richness and duration of the event (including planning and advertising) is also so exciting, and I don’t want to speak for everyone, but personally it feels like we are really contributing to a positive impact both for our fellow Trojans but also for all of Swim with Mike across the nation. It brings me so much joy knowing that this is something to look forward to every spring and that it’s something us Helenes have been (at least partially) known for for years. I hope that this sentiment continues to be spread throughout future generations of Helenes as we all join in sisterhood to serve!